Tunnel Ball

Tunnel Ball is a team game where players have to pass the ball through a "tunnel" created by their teammates' legs. Tunnel Ball improves coordination, speed, and dexterity.

How to Play Tunnel Ball

Divide players into two teams of equal number of players.

Each team lines up, with their feet wide apart to form a tunnel.

The first player on each team will hold the ball and begin passing the ball through the tunnel by rolling it through the legs of their teammates.

The last player in line will pick up the ball, run to the front of the line, and continue passing the ball through the tunnel.

The team that completes the pass through all of its members the fastest will be the winner.

Make sure all team members understand the rules and work together.

Roll the ball quickly but carefully to avoid deflecting the ball.

How can I play Tunnel Ball unblocked for free?

On Planetclicker.io, you can play Tunnel Ball unblocked for free. Have fun playing Tunnel Ball!